About Us

We believe making our mark on the world means leaving less of a footprint. While we strive to provide you the best vacation possible With The Hollywood Star You Most Desire, we also care about making positive changes in the lives of our guests and employees as well as sustaining the environment to leave the world a better place.

Our Mission

Building a world were true and genuine fans get to have a Meet & Greet, Book A Reservation, Go On Vacation, Get A Fans Card, Contact and Spend Time with the Hollywood Star they most desire. We strive to provide you the best vacation possible and making positive changes in the lives of our guests.

Our Values

Through our involvement in a diverse array of charitable organizations and activities—from local initiatives in the communities in which we live and work to global projects that affect millions—we aspire to open up the world to make people’s lives better and inspire others to do the same.

“Universal Hollywood Stars is now open and attendance will be limited in accordance with government guidelines. Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk When visiting us, you are asked to follow guidelines from the CDC, health officials and Universal Hollywood Stars policies..”

Universal Hollywood Stars